


League: not entered
Team: Tokyo
Days in game: 3021
last login 86 days ago
on the team account: 853 078 171 953 $

Experience of team: 540.975/750
Quantity of footballers: 23
Salary expenses for all footballers: 234 149 200 $
Stadium: Ajinomoto Stadium 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
12 Krzysztof Kaminski 10.385 0 4 657 800 385
full-backs D
59 Ryuga Suzuki 10.545 0 4 802 600 769
15 Thomas Ebner   12.550 0 5 361 800 932
3 Emrah Krizevac 10.550 0 4 746 500 228
76 Deji Beyreuther 10.385 0 4 657 800 385
18 Boris Vukovic 10.385 0 4 657 800 385
half-backs MD
8 Dominik Wydra 10.435 37 4 638 700 385
20 Felipe Silva 9.540 18 4 575 200 261
56 Emilian Lassig 10.630 12 4 677 500 315
forwards FC
59 Sargis Adamyan 12.715 324 4 672 900 352
reserve: 13
goalkeepers GK
23 Go Hatano     65.535 0 28 984 500 1198
full-backs D
37 Stefan Jonovic   13.605 28 5 795 600 147
10 Wallace dos Santos   11.695 0 5 347 500 0
14 Naim Sharifi   13.060 0 5 896 200 624
22 Dennis Aogo   12.785 0 6 140 000 8
33 Stefan Meusburger   16.585 0 6 461 300 445
half-backs MD
75 Robin Szarka   13.025 44 5 846 600 515
77 Ismailcan Usta   10.165 0 4 595 800 250
10 Dominik Baumgartner   14.260 165 5 953 500 760
forwards FC
32 Hikaru Kuba   65.535 3149 28 571 100 1198
33 Ryosuke Tamura   65.535 2904 27 841 100 1198
30 Kensuke Nagai   65.535 2911 27 221 900 1198
31 Shoki Hirai   65.535 2647 28 045 500 1198
total: 23 / 25 540.975   234 149 200  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 3.1 29.258
center 29.93 46.627
right flank 3.391 28.245
Power of stuff: 140.553
trainer Freddie Goodwin (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 1.4724 games: 2588
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 4.6363 games: 129906
The number of won private leagues: 2124

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Argentina   1 592  
Armenia   606  
Australia   1 214  
Austria   1 372  
Azerbaijan   1 511  
Belarus   1 856  
Belgium   1 329  
Brazil   1 961  
Bulgaria   421  
Cameroon   1 798  
Chile   1 646  
Colombia   1 802  
Croatia   1 914  
Cyprus   1 145  
Czech   754  
Denmark   1 536  
Ecuador   1 024  
Egypt   1 726  
England   1 000 000 009  
Estonia   786  
Finland   1 854  
France   1 772  
Georgia   1 816  
Germany   1 362  
Ghana   1 528  
Greece   834  
Ireland   1 516  
Israel   1 771  
Italy   1 000 000 009  
Japan   1 505  
Kazakhstan   1 663  
Latvia   1 413  
Lithuania   708  
Mexico   1 868  
Moldova   1 475  
Netherlands   1 531  
Nigeria   68  
Norway   621  
Paraguay   307  
Peru   663  
Poland   1 451  
Portugal   1 718  
Romania   1 063  
Russia   1 612  
Scotland   1 836  
Serbia   1 744  
Slovakia   1 864  
Slovenia   1 611  
South Africa   1 361  
Spain   1 000 000 009  
Sweden   1 336  
Switzerland   1 681  
Turkey   1 838  
USA   1 331  
Ukraine   1 432  
Uruguay   1 396  
Venezuela   309  
Wales   1 761  
total   60000 3 000 075 639 58