


League: Premier
Team: OSC_Lille
Days in game: 5534
on the team account: 685 593 852 930 $

Experience of team: 1169.543/1500
Quantity of footballers: 22
Salary expenses for all footballers: 426 317 700 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Diego Kochen 65.535 0 31 321 500 349
full-backs D
  Nehemiah Fernandez Veliz 65.535 0 28 595 900 290
  Amay Caprice 65.535 0 26 620 900 304
  Finley Burns 65.535 0 26 958 100 267
half-backs MD
  Ethan Brooks 65.535 21 20 453 000 245
6 Davy Klaassen 65.535 36 25 717 700 246
  Cesar Gelabert 65.535 86 27 300 600 250
forwards FC
100 Victor Barbera 65.535 449 30 920 900 401
  Vitinho Arantes 65.535 178 22 305 500 223
1 Lyle Foster 65.535 238 25 561 600 252
1 Peque Fernandez 65.535 152 22 253 200 157
reserve: 11
goalkeepers GK
  Nikola Cavlina   35.580 0 17 426 900 58
full-backs D
  Aiham Ousou   36.425 0 17 785 100 136
  Teddy Alloh   28.895 0 13 639 000 31
  Cuiabano   33.440 0 13 462 700 479
half-backs MD
  Enzo Geerts     38.311 1495 8 480 200 1015
  Luan Pereira   40.585 1676 8 869 400 1064
forwards FC
  Daniel Ogwuru     46.538 2051 10 632 600 789
1 Domenico Berardi   63.155 0 21 160 600 0
  Evidence Makgopa   36.642 1888 6 666 300 733
18 Marco Friedl   45.783 1929 10 904 000 874
  Samuele Vignato   43.304 1946 9 282 000 933
total: 22 / 25 1169.543   426 317 700  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 212.987 156.19
center 141.991 141.991
right flank 127.792 156.19
Power of stuff: 937.145
trainer Jupp Heynckes (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 3.3286 games: 6358
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.2268 games: 111264
The number of won private leagues: 68

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
Australia   1 823  
Brazil   1 837 224  
Denmark   431 975  
England   537  
France   845 930 001  
Germany   1 120 609 520  
Italy   1 028 043 838  
Lithuania   1 989  
Romania   1 046 307  
Scotland   963 050 009  
Serbia   2 246 929  
Spain   3 276 745 429  
Ukraine   1 169 038 203  
total   174953 8 408 983 784 3