


League: not entered
Team: Krasnodar_FK
Days in game: 3431
on the team account: 35 640 753 737 $

Experience of team: 1229.165/1500
Quantity of footballers: 25
Salary expenses for all footballers: 475 996 700 $
Stadium: 250 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 10
goalkeepers GK
  Ruslan Shagyakhmetov 65.535 0 28 211 700 1195
half-backs MD
51 Ilya Rozhkov 65.535 2040 20 790 400 1169
100 Kirill Shchetinin 65.535 3733 11 674 500 1100
  Du Queiroz 65.520 248 28 638 400 1121
  Ivan Zazvonkin 60.575 111 25 913 200 1035
forwards FC
1 Sergey Pryakhin 65.535 2059 22 990 700 1081
10 Konstantin Voinkov 65.535 1875 23 721 600 1120
3 Shapi Suleymanov 65.535 3525 15 874 700 1189
49 Igor Kozlov 65.535 1771 18 137 800 1169
31 Timur Kasimov 65.520 2486 25 614 500 1190
reserve: 15
goalkeepers GK
  David Byazrov   34.330 0 16 603 500 0
  Aleksey Mamin   11.020 0 5 004 000 0
70 Nikita Goylo   58.405 0 28 365 000 0
full-backs D
  Ilya Kirsch   42.490 0 20 553 000 0
1 Danila Khotulev   65.535 14 27 511 900 1056
  Solomon Bonnah   46.960 0 22 623 000 0
  Bram Rovers   13.570 0 6 294 000 0
1 Ilya Vakhania   30.505 0 14 710 500 0
1 Danila Prokhin     26.715 0 12 595 000 29
half-backs MD
  Egor Akimov   37.780 0 18 445 500 0
  Kirill Kravtsov   41.215 0 20 028 000 0
1 Denis Bokov   65.535 3854 11 672 300 1170
21 Alexandr Erokhin     45.700 0 22 035 000 0
forwards FC
89 Stanislav Lapinskiy   28.150 0 13 428 000 0
  Aleksey Baranovskiy   30.895 0 14 560 500 0
total: 25 / 25 1229.165   475 996 700  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 212.968 45.437
center 166.084 85.872
right flank 127.792 130.632
Power of stuff: 768.788
trainer Xavi (5 lvl)
Official matches: wins/losses 2.1213 games: 4022
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.3767 games: 18596
The number of won private leagues: 74

Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
England   120 106 257  
Nigeria   0  
total   2485 120 106 257 1