


League: not entered
Team: Galaxy_LA
Days in game: 4758
last login 4321 days ago
on the team account: -2 773 261 733 $

Experience of team: 30.61/45
Quantity of footballers: 10
Salary expenses for all footballers: 10 198 800 $
Stadium: The Home Depot Center 10 th. seats
home| away
nat No. name position squad experience goals salary $ matches
staff: 9
goalkeepers GK
53 Michael Walbridge 3.050 0 984 200 17
7 Jeremy Tolleson 3.050 0 984 200 17
77 Trevor Peaslee 3.050 0 984 200 17
32 Benjamin Benditson 3.050 0 984 200 17
half-backs MD
7 Tyler Lassiter 3.045 137 953 200 17
12 Dylan Montambo 3.045 184 962 300 17
6 Chris Mahaffey 3.045 0 925 800 17
3 Todi Vasilev 3.045 66 939 000 17
4 John Ball 3.085 414 1 008 200 17
reserve: 1
forwards FC
1 Eric Vinalda   3.145 2751 1 473 500 17
total: 10 / 25 30.61   10 198 800  
Parameters of team staff
  attack defense
left flank 1.979 7.926
center 5.971 9.919
right flank 1.979 7.926
Power of stuff: 35.702

Official matches: wins/losses 0.0156 games: 68
Unofficial matches: wins/losses 1.3847 games: 2850
The number of won private leagues: 2
Doctors and fans
country fanclubs fans doctors
USA   838  
total   1 838 1